Aiden and Papaw Clark
Mommy's Helper
Sucking of the hands
Aiden when he was 9 weeks
We are back in Mississippi for a quick visit! Justin had a week off in between jobs so we decided to come home and visit all the family and friends. We will be returning back to Kansas City for five weeks for Justin to help finish the previous job and then....well who knows! We are not going to Texas anymore as of now. However, I will keep everyone updated where our travels will take us next! Aiden is just growing and learning so much every day! He has developed such a silly little personality. (I wonder where he got that from) He now will put he tiny little fingers around rattles and toys and look at them very intensely, then stick them straight in his mouth. He also absolutely loves to suck and chew on his hands. Such a silly boy! As for now, everything is going great, Ellis is on his way to recovery, and life is just about perfect for us. Oh also, we went to Nebraska furniture mart and went furniture crazy. We bought a new couch, chaise, crib, and dresser. When we get them I will post pictures! I am VERY excited to see them, also to see if they will fit in out apartment! :/ Also, as soon as I am home for more than a day.. I promise to all of my work friends I WILL come visit! Hope all is well with everyone!