Wednesday, June 17, 2009


This past weekend Justin and I walked out first 5k. We worked hard to accomplish something we never thought was possible and we did it! I was so worried I wouldn't finish in the hour time that they allotted but I made it is 51 minutes. I couldn't believe it. Justin walked it in 41 minutes. We were so proud of ourselved. My mom, sister and brother in law RAN a half marathon. That is 13.1 miles. My mom is such an inspiration to me. She has been training for a few years for marathons and she is awesome! Justin and I started this week working on a 8 week beginners running program. So far so good. Only on day 3 though. Monday I walked/ran 30 minutes. I thought I would die. But I pushed myself to finish. I could here my sister in the back of my mind saying "Don't quit Jame you can do it."
With Aiden getting older I want to set a good example for him. I was him to be able to say..."yea well my mom runs marathons." I know how awesome it is to say that to people. I want to show Aiden that exercise and being healthy is a very important part of our lives. I have abused my body for long enough. Now I have a motivation and a reason to strive to live my life in the best way possible. And who else could be such motivation than my son who I live my life for! It will be a long journey for me to get prepared for a marathon but I will do it!!! Hold me to it!!
Another motivation is the recent passing of my father in law. He had heart surgery in September and after his surgery he lost alot of weight and started to exercise and take better care of himself. But in the end it was just to late. I know he would want Justin and I to start now taking care of ourselves. The last mile of my 5k I devoted it to Ellis bc I knew he was pushing me. The heat was exhausting and I didn't think I could push on but I knew he was there telling me "Jamie, I know you can do this"..and I did it!! I miss Ellis so much, even though I wasn't really close to him, I think about him every single day. The fact that we will never see him again (in this life) is just unreal to me. But I know that he is in such a better place than us and he would be soooo pissed off if he knew anyone was upset over his death. We will always, always love you Ellis!!!
Another crazy event approaching is Aiden's one year birthday. I cannot believe it. Has it really been a year? My little tiny baby that I just walked through the door with on June 25 2008 is going to be a year?? I have been a little..ok..more than a little emotional about it. He is such a blessing to us. I never realized how much you could love someone until I had Aiden. The love a mother has for their child is unexplainable. Ok I have to move on...I am dying here..haha! On a side note, Aiden is actually walking. It is so cute. He walks with both arms out like a zombie. Every time he walks he just smiles ear to ear like "look at what I'm doing mommy." His little 2 inch long legs just go full speed until he falls. It will try to post a video of it soon. He still isn't saying much but to him he is. The bad thing is he has one of my old cell phones and he puts it up to his ear and "talks" ninety to nothing. The other day he had his hand going talking up a storm on the phone. He also takes the remote and points it at the tv. Not good!!! It is bad when those are the things your son has learned out of everything you have spent in a year teaching him!
Well I suppose that is all of the "news" going on around here. Hope everyone is doing well. Hopefully I can get some pics up soon!