Today at the I had my Non Stress Test. Justin and I went to the clinic, sat in this tiny room for about 30 minutes monitoring Aiden's every move and his heartrate. The nurse told me that every time he moves to push the button, well he must have heard her say that b/c we waited about 15 minutes just for him to move. Normally he moves all over the place so much my belly looks like a constant tidal wave!! I am kinda starting to think he may be hard headed like his sweet little daddy! :) So to intice Aiden to move the nurse stuck a vibrating machine to my belly which "vibrates the amniotic fluid and startles the baby", well might I add Aiden was NOT happy! He kicked me harder than I think he ever has. He kicked and moved for about an hour straight. It kinda got a little uncomfortable. However, the test went well. They want to see two accelerations with movement, (meaning they want to see his heartrate increase with movement twice) and it did. So the nurse and doctors concluded that he is not under any stress and just happy and content as ever in my belly. Also for those of you wondering, when I went to the doctor Monday of this week I still was not dilated..A SINGLE BIT!! I am so ready for some progress! Any tips on how to get this show on the road??? Today my BP at the doctors office was 108/80?? hummm..what is going on with that? Who knows! So, I will continue to sit on bedrest and go stir crazy!!
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