Monday, June 23, 2008


Today I had my OB appointment, and guess what??? They are going to admit me on Thursday night and start Pitocin on Friday morning! Yea! I finally get to meet my angel! It is so surreal to me right now. I have dreamed over and over about this, and here it is. I have cared for and carried a living person in my belly for 4o weeks being ever so careful to make sure he gets the best of the best from me and now....I finally get to hold him, love him, kiss him, bathe him and just be his mommy. Justin is ever so excited too. He is like "Okay, we need to get your bag together, and go get a baby book, on! He is going to be such a cute daddy! I will try to keep everyone posted about what is going on, and how the baby is. Another thing I very excited about is I GET TO SEE MY FAMILY!!! My mom and hopefully stepdad will come Thursday, my sister is coming Wednesday, my best friend Melissa is coming Wednesday night, Justin's mom and aunt are coming Thursday, my dad and stepmom will hopefully come Thursday and I will just be surrounded by everyone close to me! So only a few more days on bedrest. Everyone say a prayer that the induction goes as planned. We will keep everyone not able to make it here posted.


Amber said...

YEA ... and so nicely said! You will be a great mother to Aiden! I wish you the best - go get em'.

Whitney and Dustin said...

So exciting!!! The big day is finally here! You are going to be such an awesome Mommy. I hope everything goes well for you on Thursday & Friday. I will be thinking of you. :)

"The Verhulsts" said...

You're going to be a great mom!! P.S. Make sure you eat WELL before you go in because once they start the pitocin they won't let you eat. I learned that the hard way!!! Good luck and make sure to call work!!

Amber said...

Thanks for the nice comments Jamie! I know it will all come in due time - however, I consider it past due! :) Make sure you call when you have the baby and give us the details to write on our board in the conference room! I will not be at work after Thursday night so make sure you have someone post something so we know!!! Take care!

Chicago_or_Bust said...

What extremes some people will go thru to get their family to come visit! :-)))

Love you,
