Friday, October 31, 2008
Trick or Treat
Actually this post has nothing to do with halloween but it only made sense to put that as the heading today!! Aiden had his four month old checkup today and she said that Aiden is "just a perfect little boy". So you really couldn't ask for a better visit. Except the fact that he had to get immunizations, it was only two shots rather than the five last time. OUCH!! Since Aiden is four months old here are some fun "milestones" he has reached. Aiden smiles at every singe thing. If you even look in his direction he smiles from ear to ear. Aiden grabs for objects and as soon as he gets them they go straight to his mouth. Aiden also likes for daddy to grab his hands and "walk" him around the living room. He is very ready to join conversation. If he is eating and someone talks he stops everything and looks them until they are done speaking, and continues to eat. As far a sleep goes, he does not like to take a nap, he told me yesterday that napping is for babies! :) His hands are his favorite toy and pacifier. The drool is UNRULY! Every day he develops another trick, and keeps us on our toes! We love him so much! The doctor advised us to try rice cereal. Aiden really liked it. I will post some pics of his first big boy meal! Hope everyone is doing well! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
These are just some cute pics of Aidens new jumper! He loves it. He also likes to suck on the seat! Only my son! :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Sad Truth
So tonight as I wrestled with Aiden for all of about uhh...2 hours rocking him, and holding him like I always do, did I realize that he doesn't really need me to go to sleep anymore. Since he was born when he gets sleepy I lay him down in my arms, give him his "pacy" and rock him until he quietly falls fast asleep. Well, the past couple nights when I even lay him down in the "sleep position" he screams bloody murder!! :( All I could think was he must have a stomach ache, what did I eat today that is affecting him, maybe he is having bad reflux, or maybe he just isn't sleepy (as he rubs his red eyes and yawns).
So tonight after he ate I gave him his pacifier laid him down, (thinking the other nights he has fought sleep something else had to be wrong), and he just started screaming. So I kept him up a little, packed my clothes, came in the living room and sat him in my lap, sitting straight up and starting singing to him like I always do and off to sleep he went. Simple as that! No pacifier, no rocking, no nothing from me just my cracked and out of tune lullaby. WHAT? Does my son really not need me to cuddle and nuzzle him when he is sleepy. I guess the older he gets the more independent he gets. But as far as me....it is kind of upsetting. My baby is growing up so fast. From day to day he changes so much. My next problem is.. what is a easier way to get him to sleep other than keeping him up 2 hours past his bedtime until he just falls out from pure exhaustion? I am not sure how I feel about just lying him in his crib and letting him scream until he falls asleep. Any suggestions? I just had a very eye opening moment tonight and felt I needed to share! Now I will go to sleep from pure.....exhaustion!!
So tonight after he ate I gave him his pacifier laid him down, (thinking the other nights he has fought sleep something else had to be wrong), and he just started screaming. So I kept him up a little, packed my clothes, came in the living room and sat him in my lap, sitting straight up and starting singing to him like I always do and off to sleep he went. Simple as that! No pacifier, no rocking, no nothing from me just my cracked and out of tune lullaby. WHAT? Does my son really not need me to cuddle and nuzzle him when he is sleepy. I guess the older he gets the more independent he gets. But as far as me....it is kind of upsetting. My baby is growing up so fast. From day to day he changes so much. My next problem is.. what is a easier way to get him to sleep other than keeping him up 2 hours past his bedtime until he just falls out from pure exhaustion? I am not sure how I feel about just lying him in his crib and letting him scream until he falls asleep. Any suggestions? I just had a very eye opening moment tonight and felt I needed to share! Now I will go to sleep from pure.....exhaustion!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Fun Photo Day
I have some fun pictures of ,you know who, that I wanted to post! Aiden is always the subject of all of my posts because he is all my life consists of! I think I need to get out more! HA! :/
If you are wondering about our daily changing "moving status", as of now Justin has to work until Wednesday of this week, and then..uhh we are not sure yet. Maybe Nebraska, maybe Virginia..as for me...maybe the crazy house. All of this unsure business is about as nerve racking as anything, it drives me CRAZY! Eventually we are going to make it back to Mississippi so Justin can finish his degree. He really needs to finish school considering he was on the deans list, always made awesome grades, and all of his teachers absolutely loved him.
As for me, I want to continue to stay home with Aiden at least for a year. I feel this is the best thing for him for now. Maybe when we move I may get a PRN job and get out a few days a week, but who knows. I love my job as a RN and I feel like the longer I am off work, the more I forget. Not a good thing to do in my line of work! So anyways, I hope everyone is doing well.
Also, I wanted to tell everyone to take a few minutes today and tell your loved ones how much you care about them. Unfortunetly we never know when our time will come. I feel like my job at Children's Mercy has made me appreciate my son more than anyone could imagine. I am so thankful for his health, and the health of my family. Life is so short and precious, lets enjoy every second of it!! Okay..I am done now! :) Love you all
Oh and another thing, I put a LG computer monitor, dell keyboard, speakers, and a mouse for sell on ebay if anyone is interested let me know!

If you are wondering about our daily changing "moving status", as of now Justin has to work until Wednesday of this week, and then..uhh we are not sure yet. Maybe Nebraska, maybe Virginia..as for me...maybe the crazy house. All of this unsure business is about as nerve racking as anything, it drives me CRAZY! Eventually we are going to make it back to Mississippi so Justin can finish his degree. He really needs to finish school considering he was on the deans list, always made awesome grades, and all of his teachers absolutely loved him.
As for me, I want to continue to stay home with Aiden at least for a year. I feel this is the best thing for him for now. Maybe when we move I may get a PRN job and get out a few days a week, but who knows. I love my job as a RN and I feel like the longer I am off work, the more I forget. Not a good thing to do in my line of work! So anyways, I hope everyone is doing well.
Also, I wanted to tell everyone to take a few minutes today and tell your loved ones how much you care about them. Unfortunetly we never know when our time will come. I feel like my job at Children's Mercy has made me appreciate my son more than anyone could imagine. I am so thankful for his health, and the health of my family. Life is so short and precious, lets enjoy every second of it!! Okay..I am done now! :) Love you all
Oh and another thing, I put a LG computer monitor, dell keyboard, speakers, and a mouse for sell on ebay if anyone is interested let me know!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Early Halloween
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