Friday, August 29, 2008
Out of Town
I know many of you are wondering if I fell off the face of the earth...the answer is not quite! I spent last week in Hot Springs, Arkansas with my sister and brother and law. We had a great time. Aiden got to meet his great grandmother and great aunt and uncle. I have lots of pictures but I am unable to post them to the blog until I get home. Aiden also has his first boat ride. He absolutely loved it. He loved it so much he slept that night from 9:00 until 7:00 the next morning. After that I thought ' yeah he is finally sleeping through the night' but no such luck. The next night he woke up twice like he used to. This week we are in Mississippi visiting with my mom and stepdad. Aiden has met all of my moms side of the family. Needless to say, Aiden has been a bit overwhelmed and I know he is ready to get home to his daddy! We will be leaving Saturday to go back to Hot Springs to meet Justin and he is going to take us the rest of the way home. I really have enjoyed spending time with my friends and family. There is nothing in the world like being with the ones you love! I pray that God will continue to bless our family with all the love, closeness, and many blessings that we all share. Hope everyone is doing great! I will post lots of pics when i get home!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Day at the Market

This weekend Justin's dad and his girlfriend came to visit. We had a great time and it was really nice to get out of the house and have some "adult" conversation. Sunday we went downtown to the farmers market, bought some fruit and vegetables and had some yummy bbq for lunch. It was exciting because it was mine and Aiden's first big outing. He did great! He wasn't a big fan of the sun though. Here are some pictures of the weekend. Also, I had to do one of the hardest things today. Over the weekend Justin and I decided that it would work out best if I stayed home with Aiden. With us being up here alone, and Justin's demanding job, we feel like the best thing for our family right now is for me to be a stay at home mom. In saying that I had to call my job today and tell them I will not be coming back to work. :( I am really sad about it. I worked with some of the most awesome, and caring people you could ask for. It took a while but we finally all got to know each other and found out we all have alot in common. (I think my accent kinda threw them off) haha! So to all of my coworkers that read this, thank you so much for taking me in and showing me the ropes while I was there. I had an amazing preceptor who is an awesome nurse, and person. I hope the next job I work everyone will be as close and awesome as yall are. THANKS AGAIN! Also Justin is more than likely getting laid off the end of September, if not sooner. When he does we are going to move closer to home to be with our friends and family! That part I am not sad about. I am just not me without my family and friends. I am going to come and visit everyone at work before we leave to say goodbye. Hope everyone is doing great!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
So I must update on the rash! The rash is finally starting to heal . I think it was newborn acne, that was irritated by the heat. Considering our air conditioner in our apartment NEVER works right and they come out and jack around with something saying they "fixed" it, only for it to work right for about 3 days. I am so fed up. To all who reads this, tell all of your friends to NEVER rent at Wild Oak Apts. They are awful, and falling apart. Even the maintence man told me that these apartments are not old enough to be experiencing all the problems it has, and that they are very cheaply made. They are cheaply made and the apts charge an arm and a leg for rent..okay..I am through ranting! :) Whenever Aiden gets upset the rash gets red and irritated but then when he is calm they are fine. Also I don't think he has colic. Well the last two nights he has been a little fussy, but easily consoled. I think the problem may have been the fiber one bars that I started eating for breakfast last week. :/ As soon as I stopped those he hasn't had any real issues. I also bought some Mylicon to help out some, which I was kinda hesitant to give b/c I am an OCD mom who is scared to try new things with her son. HA. My sister and her husband are coming to visit next Wednesday and I couldn't be more excited. I keep counting down the days, maybe even the hours sometimes!! I know she is excited to, she only got to see Aiden in the NICU right after he was born before she had to go home. She hasn't even held him yet. Oh and Amber, a friend from work, said Aiden looks like me! YEA YEA! That is the first person that has said that. I am so happy. He just had to fill out some to start to look like mommy! Anyways, hope all is doing well!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Video For the Grandparents
I made this video this morning of Aiden. Nothing special but just wanted the grandparents to see how he is growing and smiling(he only did a partial teasing smile in the video) :) and cooing. Justin and I are kinda worried that he may have colic. Starting at about 5pm he will cry off and on until about 930 or 1o. We try to feed him, change him, bathe him everything and nothing helps. So I hope, God willing, that he does not have it. Maybe it is just a growth spurt or phase he is going through. If its not one thing its another. Every single day is a new day...literally. But we are more than thankful that he is a healthy little sweetheart with no medical issues. We are truly blessed!!
Oh by the way, sorry about the spit up part of the video, I didn't know how to edit it! haha. Everytime Aiden is on the floor Rufus has to be right there.
Oh by the way, sorry about the spit up part of the video, I didn't know how to edit it! haha. Everytime Aiden is on the floor Rufus has to be right there.
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