This weekend Justin's dad and his girlfriend came to visit. We had a great time and it was really nice to get out of the house and have some "adult" conversation. Sunday we went downtown to the farmers market, bought some fruit and vegetables and had some yummy bbq for lunch. It was exciting because it was mine and Aiden's first big outing. He did great! He wasn't a big fan of the sun though. Here are some pictures of the weekend. Also, I had to do one of the hardest things today. Over the weekend Justin and I decided that it would work out best if I stayed home with Aiden. With us being up here alone, and Justin's demanding job, we feel like the best thing for our family right now is for me to be a stay at home mom. In saying that I had to call my job today and tell them I will not be coming back to work. :( I am really sad about it. I worked with some of the most awesome, and caring people you could ask for. It took a while but we finally all got to know each other and found out we all have alot in common. (I think my accent kinda threw them off) haha! So to all of my coworkers that read this, thank you so much for taking me in and showing me the ropes while I was there. I had an amazing preceptor who is an awesome nurse, and person. I hope the next job I work everyone will be as close and awesome as yall are. THANKS AGAIN! Also Justin is more than likely getting laid off the end of September, if not sooner. When he does we are going to move closer to home to be with our friends and family! That part I am not sad about. I am just not me without my family and friends. I am going to come and visit everyone at work before we leave to say goodbye. Hope everyone is doing great!
I am sad to hear you are not coming back!! But I am happy to hear you will be moving closer to your family & friends! I know that is what you really wanted. I wish you the Best of Luck with everything & keep in touch! I would LOVE to come visit with you & see Aiden before you guys leave.
Thanks for the wonderful congrats! We are excited and hopeful. I am sad that you are not going to come back and play with us! But we understand that you want to be closer to family - that is what is best for you with a new baby. It's hard enough to become new parents and even harder when most of your friends and family live in another state! I know this is what you want. As Whitney said, you need to bring the lil' man by to see us before you leave. I will keep checking your blog for updates and pictures! Take care!!!
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