Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Rash...

Today we had to take Aiden to the doctor because he has a very weird rash. We tried different home methods to try to get rid of it and nothing worked. So off to the doctor we went. Turns out the doctor couldn't pinpoint an exact reason, considering babies skin is allergic to EVERYTHING! He said it is a combination of baby acne, heat rash, and seborrah. He told us to us Lotrimin cream. So we got some, used it and Aiden cried bloody murder. As soon as I wiped it off he quieted down. I put vaseline on it to try and soothe the area and he seems to be somewhat content! HELP!! Anyone have and ideas? I am now using a different laundry detergent for his clothes but I don't know what else to do. We are open to any ideas! The rash is on his back, chest, and shoulders. I posted some pics so you could get some ideas. On a lighter note, Aiden now weights ten pounds! What a big boy he is! Hope everyone is doing great!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

4 Weeks Old

Today Aiden is 4 weeks old. Can you believe it? He is growing up so fast.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Gaining Weight

We had to have a submerged bath last night after Justin was changing him and he shot poopy clear across the room. He tried to warn daddy with some grunts but it was just too late.

Today I went to a breastfeeding support group. Kinda an odd experience for me. I walk in...look around...and all these women are sitting around with their breasts out having conversation. All I could think was...I am not going to pull out my "business" in the middle of this class with all these women I don't know. I made sure Aiden ate shortly before we left so we wouldn't have to participate in the "group" breastfeeding. I planned on going and talking with other mothers and compare stories. So in I walk lay Aiden down on the floor to get him undressed to be weighed. As I am undressing him he starts wailing, and screaming. Oh my gosh what do I do?? So I gave him his pacifier, he spit it out, I picked him up and his body was stiff as a board as he was in this moment of pure red headed anger. I though about just leaving but, I really wanted to have him weighed to make sure he is getting enough to eat and so on. As he rants, raves and everything else you could imagine I look around and all these other mothers are looking at me like..Um why don't you just feed him. I wiped the sweat beads off of my forehead, sucked it up and just fed him like everyone else. At first I was a little uncomfortable, but then it just seemed so natural. I know many people are completely comfortable breastfeeding where ever they are, but I just haven't crossed that bridge yet. Maybe one day I will. Anyway, that is my crazy story for the day.. :) Oh and another plus I was able to weigh Aiden after he ate to see how many ounces he got. Needless to say he is getting enough to eat! Hope you enjoy the pics! Also Aiden has gained 1lb and 1 oz. He is getting to be such a big boy. His current weight is 9lbs 6oz.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

More Random Pics..

Here are just some more random pictures of Aiden and I sitting around the house. Thanks Whitney for this cute little outfit that you gave him. It is really cute on him as you can see!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More Pics..

Not happy after our bath! But oh so cute!

Today I had my first post partum OB appointment. Everything is going great. No complaints from me! Oh and I must say...I have lost 30 lbs since Aiden was born. Everyone said the best way to lose weight is to breast feed, and they were so right! Can I breast feed him forever?? Ha, don't think that would work huh? Aiden is doing great, he has started smiling some, usually only in his sleep when he dreams about his mommy! :) Hope everyone is doing great!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Daddy Time

Oh the dreaded diaper duties. Justin does it without complaint!

Here is Justin, Aiden and Rufus for a little daddy time after Justin got off work! He is such a sweet and loving daddy. Rufus still isn't quite sure what to make of this little human. He just stares and sniffs Aiden trying to figure him out.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The First Dr Visit

Today we had our one week doctors appointment! Aiden has gained 9 ounces. I was very happy to hear this because I was kinda concerned (b/c for the past few days he has wanted to eat every hour or so) that he wasn't getting enough. However, everything checked out and he is as healthy as ever. It was also nice to get out of the house. I am suppose to "take it easy" for two weeks due to my c-section but I am about to break loose and go shopping!! yeah!! Hope all is going great for everyone.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Hello everyone! I know some of you have called and I have not called you back, but I have been incredibly busy with all of my family in town. I think I also may have had a little bit of depression, anxiety and just adjustment issues. Thanks to all of these womenly hormones. Just watching all of my family leave and go back to Arkansas and Mississippi was very hard for me! Just knowing that they will not see Aiden for a months or longer really affected me. Also knowing how it affected my family was really hard. But I just put my trust in God and know that right now this is where we need to be. He will take care of the rest! Anyways, I will leave ya with some more pics of the sweet little Aiden!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fourth of July video

Aiden on the fourth of July, in his 4th outfit and his Ole Miss shoes! Justin added the music!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Aiden Lane Bufkin

Nap time!!
Justin and the babies!

My first bath!

Daddy and Aiden! Look he has his hair!!

Mammaw Clark and Aiden

My sweetie in the NICU. His respiratory rate was high, and they were monitoring him. Luckily he just was a little stressed from the labor and was having some trouble transitioning into this crazy world!

Me holding Aiden a few hours after he was born, I look rough after my 21 hours of labor!!

Aiden was born on June 28, he was 8lbs, 80z!

I know everyone is waiting for some pics, so here ya go!! Sorry the pics are so small I will try to post some better ones when I get another 5 minutes of free time!! :)