Today we had to take Aiden to the doctor because he has a very weird rash. We tried different home methods to try to get rid of it and nothing worked. So off to the doctor we went. Turns out the doctor couldn't pinpoint an exact reason, considering babies skin is allergic to EVERYTHING! He said it is a combination of baby acne, heat rash, and seborrah. He told us to us Lotrimin cream. So we got some, used it and Aiden cried bloody murder. As soon as I wiped it off he quieted down. I put vaseline on it to try and soothe the area and he seems to be somewhat content! HELP!! Anyone have and ideas? I am now using a different laundry detergent for his clothes but I don't know what else to do. We are open to any ideas! The rash is on his back, chest, and shoulders. I posted some pics so you could get some ideas. On a lighter note, Aiden now weights ten pounds! What a big boy he is! Hope everyone is doing great!
Poor little guy. I have a suggestion...try the Burt's Bees Baby Bee powder. It has several things in it that are soothing. We use it on Aaron's neck to prevent heat rash and it works great! Plus, it smells super sweet. Good luck!
P.S. Target carries it. I just wanted you to be able to read a description of the product.
Poor baby! It looks painful. I had a friend that swears by the laundry detergent called Dreft. You can get it at Target. I doesn't have all the dyes and I think they have one special for sensitive skin. Just an idea! Maybe it is just a heat rash of some sort! Keep us updated!
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