Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More Pics..

Not happy after our bath! But oh so cute!

Today I had my first post partum OB appointment. Everything is going great. No complaints from me! Oh and I must say...I have lost 30 lbs since Aiden was born. Everyone said the best way to lose weight is to breast feed, and they were so right! Can I breast feed him forever?? Ha, don't think that would work huh? Aiden is doing great, he has started smiling some, usually only in his sleep when he dreams about his mommy! :) Hope everyone is doing great!


"The Verhulsts" said...

So precious!! Keep the pics coming! Enjoy thses moments- it seems like forever ago that Aaron was that small. And, he seems even bigger because we have that same onesie and it is skin tight on him, while it is still a little big on your little guy:) Lots of love to you guys!

Chicago_or_Bust said...

You are sooooo mistaken!

He is obviously dreaming about having fun with his Grandpaw Claridge.

Love ya'll

Whitney and Dustin said...

Glad to hear all is well!!! He is super cute! I LOVE that one of him screaming after his bath.

Pat Pat said...

Aiden is good looking little boy! I love the red hair!! Glad things are going well for all of you! Can't wait to meet him in person.
Patty & Chris